Monday, June 23, 2008

some thoughts + old pics

Another old post~~ XDDDDD
PS, JR, WT , SL and me, we met at AMK hub on which day i forgot already to celebrate my birthday. haha, that was almost 1 month ago...... = = !! what? already one month???? goodness time really FLIES!! How scary!
We are no longer kids, we have gradated from college and started to work like our parents. We are working adults now!!! ButI don't know why at times I still regard myself as a little girl. Ok fine, I am not acting cute here and I REALLY hate people who ACT as someone they are not. How disgusting of wearing a mask and fake your identity and fool around! Yirk~~~~ back to topic, i ust feel like I am still as energetic as a 16 year old. I hope when I reach the age of 70I still can proudly should out " I am cool, I am fun. I am the coolest grandma! " haha
yeah, time to show you our fantastic dinner:

Old friends since secondary school : PS, JR, me,SL, WT. ( where is MT huh?)
cheers for friendship!

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