Wednesday, April 16, 2008

08-04-16 Morning, Sunny

Early in the morning, the sun is shining brightly outside my site office, (de, as usual what), sometimes when I look out from my window seeing all the construction workers working under such horrible tropical sun, I feel truly compassionate for them. Fighting to live, such a cruel world where some people live comfortably in big mansion, enjoying chilled bear on the cruise, sun-tanning(purposely to have that brown-colour-tone skin) on the beach of Maldives; yet the others work 12 hours a day in front of washing basin, 8 hours continuously under the hot sun, pick up tin cans from the ground or even in the trash bin. The world is unfair, some people are born with millions, some people born to live as a fisherman.

However, I believe God is fair, we are predestined even before we are born. We are given special talents in different ways, we interpret happiness and life differently, so stop comparing yourself with others, only we can determine how happy we are.

I always tell myself that I gonna wake everyday freshly as a new born baby, things happened yesterday have already happened, good or bad. Do not cling to the past( not saying that forget everything, I believe you know what I mean) . Forget you were the top student in Secondary school as no one is going to care about that when you start to work, so humble yourself and treat everyone with respect, as you never know what you can learn from them. Forget how embarrassed you were when you were making mistakes, as people will just laugh and forget them, there is no point you should remember. Forget the hurt that special someone brought to you(感情を傷つける), smile and be happier and stronger, as you are the master of your life.

I think I have no much work load today, the project is going to get TOP, after 12 months hard work finally it's going to be over.

This picture is taken when I just reach the site office. Foundation work ending.

The latest photo I have not taken yet, the cladding is up, say YEAH to my team!

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