Thursday, April 24, 2008

Q & A (OK, I am just bored.)

Get these stupid question from JR, one of my best pal. Always hanging out with her because rarely find anyone who can chill out late with me. ^ ^

1. What color are your kitchen plates?
Bought nice china plates, hee, but never use.

2. What book are you reading now?


3. Manga you're currently reading?

Old school manga, now re-reading The rose of versailles.

4. What is on your mouse pad?

dun use mouse pad

5. Favorite board game?

nnnn~~~~not really fancy board game. maybe RISK.

6. Favorite smells?
Dun like sweet smell. Maybe smell of ralph lauren BLACK. Also like soap smell.

7. What is the first thing you think of in the morning?

It gonna be a good day!

8. Favorite color?

Paich. (Black, white grey but thy are not colours)

9. Least favorite color?
Maybe yellow. Because I cant wear.

10. How many rings until you answer the phone?

didnt count. will pick up asap. But normally it goes off before I pick up.

11. Future child's name?


12. Chocolate or Vanilla?


13. Do you like to drive fast?

Will drive as fast as I can.

14. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?


15. Do you like thunderstorms?

Nope. Hate it.

16. What was your first car?

Toy car can???

17. What is your sign?

18. Do you eat the stems of broccoli?

Yes, I like all part of broccoli.

19. If you could have any job what would it be?

foreign correspondent.

20. If you could have any color hair what would it be?


21. Is the glass half full or half empty?

Hmmmm. both

22. What is your favorite movie?

too many to keep track

23. Do you type with your fingers on the right keys?

??? not really... =W=

24. What’s under your bed?

hmm, instant noodle, facial mask,oven,pad..... cant recall

25. What is your favorite number?


26. Favorite sport to watch?


27. Your single biggest intense pain?

cant remember

28. Person most likely to respond?

Dun know, whoever want to.

29. Person you sent this to who is least likely to respond?

stupid question!!!!!!!!

30. Ketchup or mustard?


31. Hamburger or hot dog?

hmm, hamburger

32. Favorite season?

I like all 4. I like places with 4 seasons. **

33. The best place you have ever been?

I alwasys think there will be better one.

34. What is your screen saver?

Previously was Harry potter, now is non---

35. What is your favorite fast food place?
Dun like fast food. Ok, subway

36. What is your favorite breed of dog?


37. Your nicknames?

JS, Jsfoxbear, Jac

38. Have you ever been kissed by the opposite gender?
Yah.. what the....

39. What annoys you the most?

Kids screaming. freak me out!!!!!

40. What’s your crush's name?

- -!!!!!

41. What’s your best friend’s name?
Are you reading? if yes you are the one.!!!

42. Which celebrity annoys you the most?
whoever act innocent.

43. What type of music do you dislike the most?

44. What is currently on your wrist?

45. Okay, if you and one other person could be alone on the entire planet, who would you choose?
Sena jun. haha (kidding)

46. Are you a righty or a lefty?

47. What's your favorite TV show?
cant remember. Seldom watch TV now.

48. If you could make out with any cartoon character, who would it be?
....dun know

49. If you could say or do anything to Johnny Depp, what would you do?
i fell asleep watching your show (PF)

50. What is your favorite book(s) or author?
Whoever inspires me.

51. If someone stole your wallet/ bag what would you do?
You tell me what to do??!!!! ~~!!!!

52. Would you/have you ever had someones name tattooed on your body?

53. How many fingers am I holding up?
who come out with this stupid stuff???!!

54. Where's mother?
I am sure the person is insame!

55. Do you know the muffinman, if so who is he, where does he live and what does he do?god.

56. Who's your favorite pirate?
Dun like Pirate show.

57. Who's your favorite ninja?
Ninja turtles. haha

58. If you were to choose another place and period of history to live, which would it be?*

59. Ice cream or pastries?
Ice cream

60. If you can be born again for the same life, would you do that?
neve happen la

61. What is your favorite animal?

62. What is your favorite flavor of gum?

63. What is your object in life?
live happily.

64. What do you see first every morning when you wake up?
my watch.

65. What is your computer wallpaper(background)?
Sena jun. come on... (dun want to mention her name here. So dun as me what is my handphone wallpaper please)

66. Do YOU have iPod?

67. Do you ever go to church?
every sunday.

68. Lyk OMG am I a n00b???!!!

69. Would you ever walk around with a sign saying 'Free Hugs'?
not in singapore!!!!! people will think I am crazy.

70. Are you ready to DEE. DEE.

71. If you could choose a cartoon/book/movie character to be your best friend, Who would it be?

72. Tag 5 people to do this quiz?
If you can see this and are free. otherwise ignore.

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